Room Booking Room Booking FormROOM HIRE ENQUIRYComplete this Section if you are a Group or an OrganisationName of Group:Contact Person:Position in Organisation: (Secretary, Club Captain, etc)All Hirers to Complete this SectionPerson Hiring the FacilityFirst NameLast NameAddress:Address Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeCountryNew ZealandPhone Numbers:Mobile:Work:Home:Email:Purpose of Room Hire:Number of people attending:Number of chairs and tables required:Projector / Projector Screen / Wi-fi for presentation / Panic ButtonPlease ensure that times requested include the time needed to set-up and pack down and to allow time to clean and leave the facility in a satisfactory condition (Please follow Exit checklists on site). Room to Hire (Main Hall, Boardroom, Therapy Room) Date Start Time End Time Kitchen Facilities (Yes / No) Select OptionsYesNo Signed (on behalf of the hirer)DateSubmit